ENISA’s Head of Core Operations Department, Dr Steve Purser is on the Advisory Board of TREsPASS, attending its meeting in Tallinn, on 4th September. TREsPASS stands for Technology-supported Risk Estimation by Predictive Assessment of Socio-technical Security.
Mixing the security potion
The TREsPASS project is a cross sector scientific project, mixing technical knowledge, (how vulnerable are protocols and software), with social sciences (e.g. how likely are people to succumb to social engineering), and state-of-the-art industry processes and tools. The objective is to predict, prioritise, and prevent complex attacks in a systematic way.
The TREsPASS project will make this possible, by building an “attack navigator”. This navigator makes it possible to say which attack opportunities are possible, which of them are the most urgent, and which countermeasures are most effective.
By harnessing European expertise on socio-technical security a widely applicable and standardised framework, will be produced. Ultimately, TREsPASS will reduce security incidents in Europe, as it will allow business, SMEs, organisations and their customers to make informed decisions about security investments, which is vital for the society, resilience and economy of Europe.
The TREsPASS project is funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme.
For more information: http://www.trespass-project.eu/